Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just a Mist, Thank You

Dear Mother Nature,

Thank you for the light mist of rain you provided during my run last week, it was refreshing. If you could cut back on the humidity that would be great. I know its Michigan and huMIdity is a given but just keep it in mind.

Whit (who only has SIX more days of this challenge).

WHOA, six more days is not a lot, that can't be right. I guess it is. I have really enjoyed this challenge, it kept me busy during April and the month went by super fast. I am anxious to get a physical fitness test and see my results. Although I must admit that because I exercise every day I have been more likely to eat that extra piece of pizza, I figure it all just cancels out. I should get to a pull up bar this week and practice....

I haven't blogged in a week I think.
Yesterday: Aaron Fenton's vinyasa class. Great. I WILL stick a forearm balance before I leave.
Monday: Kelly Mastin's night owl. Probably my favorite class because I can keep my breath and play around more, which boosts my yogi-confidence.
Sunday: Awesome rock climbing with lulus and Planet Rock staff. Beer and climbing go great together! I also went to a morning vinyasa that day.
Saturday: Went for a 2.5 mile jog then a walk with my pup, capped it off with a bag of popcorn...
Friday: Super lame run but at least I got out there (it was 8:30 am!)
Thursday: Yoga at Namaste with my Auntie Terri.

Peace. Love. SUNSHINE.

I am going to go for a run today, I think like 3.5 will feel good. My back muscles need rest from all the intense yoga and climbing.

Rose: I really like my new hobby/addiction
Thorn: I picked up another addiction this month because I needed an outlet, here's hoping it won't kill my lungs on the run today.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Locked and Loaded

New Obsession: rock climbing and running more than 3 miles.

Last Thursday, I ran 6 miles with Laura, the farthest I have ever ran. I had a crazy runner's high that I've never had before. Everything was right in the world. Ridiculous, I know but I'm addicted.

Over the weekend, I went rock climbing and went to nth degree fitness. The usual.

Yesterday, I ran 4 miles with my cousin Justine. I am now going for distance over time and feel so much better! It's always better having a running partner and she didn't leave me eating her dust as she has done before! I made her promise not to kick my butt. We did sprint for a hot second when some country creeps were following us with a broken dirt bike.

We played with the idea of cutting through the field to safety at Kraig's house. Love the country and back country roads! It was a little too quiet this way, like if someone wanted to kill you or stalk you with a broken dirt bike, no one can hear you scream? I also did weight training yesterday, in other words, I was packing heat and could have saved Justine and my lives with my two loaded guns that can now do reps with 10 lb. weights!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Affair

I did it. I cheated. I.drank.pop.

In my defense, the woman I nanny for has a fridge that would better be described as "the place where all the cool soda pops hang out." Diet Coke was there, Dr. Pepper, diet Sprite, Mountain Dew, and the culprit -> Diet Cherry Coke. I couldn't resist! It felt so good, then so bad.

Kristen read me some crazy statistics about Coke. For example, it can clean the rust off of bumpers. Whyyyy would I want this in my body? Because high fructose corn syrup=crack, that's why. But seriously, its gross, so no more.

Today I went to Namaste Yoga in Royal Oak. It is a very cool studio, the room is a warm yellow with tons of windows for natural lighting.

Wednesday Kristen and I went to Planet Rock where I sent a 5.6, 5.7, and a 5.8. Felt gooooood.

Monday and Tuesday I went to yoga at AYR, my current studio addiction. AYR=crack, but in a super great positive way!!

I MUST RUN!!!! Tomorrow. Good night.

Rose: Hung out with my grams today.
Thorn: I have to wake up at 8:00am to fit in my run tomorrow, wish me luck!

<3 Whit

Found My Edge!

Yesterday, Whitney and I went climbing at Planet Rock in Pontiac. This was my 1st time climbing! Whitney has been there with me for many of my firsts, she's a great support system! haha.

I am scared of heights but still made it to the top! I even looked down! This was a whole new level of trust between Whit and I because she was belaying me! I got a crazy surge of adrenaline during my climb.

Whit had lactic acid build up in her forearms and told me I probably had the same but not to worry, it wouldn't go to my butt! hahaa. My butt has gotten much more muscular to put it nice and I am not on a mission to shrink it! NO MORE SQUATS!

Today, my plans are to go on a long distance run with Laura! I need to run!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Do The Stanky Leg

So for the past couple days, I've been with Whitney doing 8 a.m. classes!!! YIKES! Talk about draining! Thank goodness for good coffee and original house of pancakes!

So, Friday we went to an 8 a.m. cross fit class for a half hour. We only got an appetizer of what the real one hour workout looks like and decided we needed breakfast after. Where to go? Original House of Pancakes of course!!! Whitney and I split an egg white omlet and pancakes...YUMMY!!!

So after breakfast Caitlin D, Jonny, and I decided we needed to go on a run to burn off those yummy calories. We were all in a food coma but ran anyways! My legs were so sore from Nth Degree so I could not keep up with the running beast named Caitlin! Whitney did her walk with George, the dog she was watching!

Saturday, Whitney, Grace and I took a spin class at Lifetime at 8:15 a.m. I'm with was a hard go at first but I also found my groove and was able to get into it!

Sunday, I took it easy. I went to a concert with Caitlin D and danced for 5 hours. I decided that my stanky leg burns 25 calories per rotation which equals the 350 calories I needed to burn! (hahaha, I make up my own all know this.)

Today, Monday, I ran about 2.4 miles at home and then did a training session for about a 1/2 hour. I focused on arms and a little bit of abs. NO MORE SQUATS!!! My legs and rear are getting too thick! I cannot find a cute pair of capris for the life of me because of this! My legs will get toned through running and yoga and the weight training is focused above the waist from now on!

Tomorrow I will be taking Kelly M's vinyasa class at 8 a.m. and then staying for Aaron's 9:15-10:30 vinyasa class! Double yoga!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


To wog: walk a little, jog a little, walk a little, jog a get the point.

I really got out of my comfort zone this week. I went to two 8:00 am classes! Insanity. Crossfit being one of them. It is a short term, high intensity work out. Lots of fun, and I think my favorite part was seeing Kristen get into a tire to do sit ups.

I also went spinning. I used to be a huge spinning fan and after class I questioned why I ever stopped. I should mention that the beginning of class felt like torture, but I found my groove.

Last night I had an amazing reunion with my college roomies, and crew. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling 100% today. Which is why I created the term "wogging." I wogged with my dog for almost an hour today, it was tranquil.

Good night.

Rose: We are half way there!
Thorn: I work 7 days a week

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back to the Mat

I made it to yoga Tuesday night and Wednesday night. I absolutely love going to the late class at 8:30pm.

I am currently living with a Burmese mountain dog. In case you didn't know, these dogs are quite big and have lots of energy. I took him on THREE walks today. High maintenance but it was nice outside so he gave me an excuse to enjoy it. Then I ran 2.78 miles (I forgot to time myself).

Tomorrow Kristen has convinced me to go to a class at 8:00am. Ooooh Cupcake, you kill me. See you in the morning!!

Rose: HBO at dog house!! Non-stop "Sex and the City."
Thorn: bachelor pad, 'nough said

<3 Whit